______The new show created jointly by Brodas Bros and Desilence is called Dōji, which means “simultaneous” in Japanese. Simultaneous things are those that happen or develop at the same time, which is what happens between the quartet formed by Berta Pons and Yuk Fruitós, from Brodas Bros, and Tatiana Halbach and Søren Christensen, from Desilence. The four of them have joined forces and created a piece in which visuals, interaction and dance come together simultaneously, an abstract and personal inner journey in which every piece that makes up the show expresses a natural state.
Just as their earlier collaboration—Around the World—was about a physical journey through the different countries Brodas Bros had visited, their latest work is about an inner journey that blends improvisation with perfectly synchronised choreographies, combining the technique of VJing with dance in such a way that each live performance will have its own personality, moving away from a canned show.
We could say that Dōji is a spin-off of Around the World in which we pick what we liked most from our earlier collaboration and develop it. While in Around the World we used technology as a tool to create the content, in Dōji we use it as a creative instrument with which to play and enjoy ourselves, freeing ourselves from the constraints of the rendering technique. As its name suggests, Dōji dips into oriental philosophy, but in a practical way; moving away from mysticism or spirituality, we draw inspiration from tai chi movements and theories about energy and change, which are as valid in Taoism as they are in quantum physics and common sense.