_________ At Desilence we have made and performed live visuals since 2005. We have over the years developed an approach to live visuals that has reached to be what we like to call a ‘visual instrument’.

It is a visual live tool prepared for live concerts and visual jam sessions with musicians, bands and DJs. Allowing us to perform and connect our abstract visuals to music in many different ways, emotionally and visually. It constantly evolves and has the visual complexity and scales perfectly to massive immersive spaces, shapes and forms, and resolutions to make an impact - Be it facade or object video mapping, immersive spaces, or traditional concert formats. 

It is a 3d realtime ‘art-engine’ based on Notch and VDMX, allowing us to do real-time video analysis and control and apply organic movement, growth, colours, shapes - plasticity on demand. Like conducting an orchestra of fine artists to the rhythm of music.

Everything is controlled by carefully crafted interfaces spread out between tablets and physical controllers with optional use of data analysis like audio, video, trackers and sensors, and live data feeds


