______An endless look.
Fata Morgana is a contemplative sculpture that interacts with those who look at it because they are reflected on it, while thereflection is repeatedly integrated on itself, varying depending on its position in the space and the elements that surround it.
The Fata Morgana installation is inspired by an optic illusion called by the same name; a complex mirage that could produce subjective illusions composed by superposed images; but in that case the induced perceptions breath their own light and sound, creating superposed images not only by the light reflected but the light and vibration that itself is spreading.
About mirages and the Fata Morgana illusion
The mirage is an optic phenomenon trigged by the deviation of the luminous beams due to the overlap of the air layers in different temperatures. In fact, it is a rare propagation of light
in an environment where the temperature, the pressure and humidity do not change vertically as usual. The deviation of these light rays gives us the impression of seeing objects in places where they are not. And they can deform the image observed.
We can classify mirages in 3 categories: superior mirages, the inferior ones and Fata Morgana, the most complex optical illusions consisting of different superposed images. Pictures produced by an optical illusion are subject to interpretation. For instance, the inferior mirages usually have an aquatic appearance, meanwhile Fata Morgana illusions could resemble castles, mountains or other complex elements.